Encode group is supporting the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kanker bestrijding) to come closer to the day we beat cancer.
Since 2015 are we Business Friend of the  Dutch Cancer Society.

The Dutch Cancer Society (DCS) is a nation-wide organisation for cancer related work in the Netherlands. They are founded in 1949 at the instigation of Queen Wilhelmina. Nowadays her granddaughter Princess Beatrix is their patron.

Their aim
Less cancer, more cure, and a better quality of life for cancer patients.

Their vision
Scientific research is the basis for combating cancer and actually improving survival and patients’ quality of life. We can only reduce cancer rates by understanding the disease better, which is why we invest in research, among other things. We also ensure that the knowledge gained is transferred to ‘the bed’, to patients. And invest in scientific research to increase our knowledge of psychosocial problems.